Pavan Jolly Pratheesh shines at CREST Olympiads



Pavan Jolly Pratheesh, a grade 7 student of The Indian High School, Oud Metha campus, has been actively participating and consistently winning accolades in the CREST Olympiads (The Centre for Research and Exams in Science and Technology). CREST Olympiads is recognized as the most innovative Olympiad exam, that attracts the participation of students from 25+ countries and 4000+ schools. Pavan's performance in the CREST Olympiad has been exemplary throughout. The year 2022-23, has seen him win in the following:

  1. CREST International Spelling Bee Winter - International Rank 1 with Trophy
  2. CREST International Spelling Bee Summer - International Rank 2 with Trophy
  3. CREST International English Olympiad - International Rank 3 with Trophy
  4. CREST International Science Olympiad - International Zonal Rank 23 with Bronze Medal
  5. CREST International Reasoning Olympiad - International Zonal Rank 15 with Silver Medal

Pavan's consistent effort and unwavering dedication in the CREST Olympiads have not only earned him well-deserved recognition but have also showcased his exceptional skills and passion for learning which undoubtedly is an inspiration to others.

We are excited to witness his ongoing progress as he strives to reach new heights of success.
